Grade Levels: K-3

This page provides information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about spring. It is designed to complement the Spring topic page on BrainPOP Jr.

What is the weather like in March, April, May, and June? In this movie, children will learn about spring. They will learn how plants, animals, and people adapt to this season. Before watching, discuss the seasons with children and activate their prior knowledge. We recommend watching the Seasons movie and completing a few features for review. You may also wish to share the Fall and Winter movies as extension.

Remind children that spring is the season between winter and summer. In most places, spring is warmer than winter, but cooler than summer. What is spring weather like in your community? Have children share their ideas. How do they know when spring has arrived? Explain that in spring, the days are longer than in winter, and there are more hours of sunlight. At dinnertime in winter, it might be pretty dark outside. But dinnertime in spring is much lighter. In some places, spring days can be sunny and warm. Flowers begin to bud, leaves reappear on trees, and birds and animals return from migration. Many places also get a lot of rain in spring. Remind children of the old saying, “April showers bring May flowers” and discuss its meaning together. How might rain help plants?

In the spring, there can be severe, or strong, storms. Some places might get tornadoes. Explain that a tornado is a rapidly spinning column of air that extends from a thunderstorm down to the ground. Tornado Alley is the nickname given to the area in the United States between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains where tornadoes frequently occur. You may wish to discuss tornadoes further with children and have them share experiences. How do you stay safe during a tornado? If applicable, you may wish to learn how your community prepares for tornados and gives warnings and alerts.

Remind children that it takes one year for Earth to orbit, or go around, the Sun. Our planet is tilted at an angle. Together, Earth’s tilt and its orbit cause the seasons to change. The Equator is an imaginary line around the middle of Earth. On March 20th, the Sun shines directly on the Equator and the lengths of day and night are almost equal (vernal equinox). This is considered the astronomical start of spring. Different cultures have different dates; in North America most people say that March 21st is the start of spring. Spring ends just before the summer solstice, around June 20th. However, many people consider March, April, and May as the spring months.

Discuss how plants adapt to winter. Many plants stop growing to conserve energy. Trees might lose their leaves for the whole winter. Then, when spring begins the weather gets warmer and there is an increase in precipitation, the trees begin to bud. Remind children that buds are parts of a plant that grow into leaves or flowers. We recommend looking for buds in a nearby park or yard, or researching pictures online. In the winter the ground is frozen, but during spring, the ground thaws. Seeds that have laid dormant underground begin to sprout and grow. During spring, flowers grow and bloom. The increase in vegetation attract insects, as well as other animals.

What happens to animals in winter? Discuss how some animals migrate or hibernate. You may wish to watch the Hibernation and Migration movies for review. In spring, food is more readily available so the animals that migrate south return north and hibernating animals become active again. Explain to children that spring is a time when animals mate and breed—the weather is warmer and safer for young animals and there is enough food available for young animals to grow as much as possible before winter.

What do people do in spring? Brainstorm ideas with children. Some people participate in outdoor activities such as picnics, bike riding, and watching or playing baseball. Spring is also a time when many people garden, planting flowers and vegetables to last them throughout the summer. Arbor Day is a special day in spring when people plant trees in their communities and learn how forests are changing. If possible, learn how your community celebrates Arbor Day, and make plans to help plant trees. Earth Day is also celebrated in spring. It is a day to learn about how our planet is changing and how we can help our environment. Many communities run special programs on Earth Day and we urge you to participate.