NOTE: We strongly suggest previewing the Tulsa Race Massacre movie before watching it with students as it describes acts of racist violence....
Before the Movie  Where have you seen discrimination? (Tap prior knowledge)   During the Movie (Pause Points)  Stop at the follow...
These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Digital Etiquette topic on BrainPOP Jr. Pause for Thought Practice ...
Grade Levels: K-3 This page provides information to support educators and families when teaching K-3 students about digital etiquette. It...
Before the Movie:    How do you think people bought things before there was printed money? (Predict)   During the Movie (P...
Before the Movie   Think of you favorite song. Do you know what the notes are in that song? (Tap prior knowledge) Do you play an instrum...
Before the Movie  What have you heard about Ramadan? (Tap prior knowledge) What do you hope to learn about Ramadan? (Set goals) &nbsp...
Before the Movie    Describe a poem you’ve written. What was it about? (Reflect) What types of poems do you enjoy reading? What ...
Before the Movie     What happens if you spend more money than you have? (Predict) What do you think it means to be in debt? (Ta...
Before the Movie What is salsa music? Tango? Share what you know about Latin music. (Tap prior knowledge) What do you hope to learn abou...
Before the Movie:    What do you think it means to be tolerant of other people’s beliefs  (Predict) What are some religions you’ve hear...
Before the Movie What are some body systems and what do they do? (Tap prior knowledge) What is something new you hope to learn about you...