{"activation_email_resent_message":"Activation email sent again. Recheck your email.","admin_request_login_message":"Log in with your My BrainPOP teacher account to get access to the Admin Dashboard.","already_have_my_brainpop_account":"Already have a My BrainPOP username and password?","approve":"APPROVE","my_brainpop_locked":"My BrainPOP locked","educators_account_self_link_attempt":"Can't link an account to itself","accounts_already_linked_error":"Account already linked to this subscription. Just log in with your account.","as_student":"AS STUDENT","as_teacher":"AS TEACHER","ask_me_later":"ASK ME LATER","are_you_a_student":"Are you a student?","are_you_an_educator":"Are you an educator?","back":"BACK","bad_code":"Wrong code.","brainpop_password_hint":"BrainPOP password","brainpop_username_hint":"BrainPOP username","cancel_upper":"CANCEL","change_password_error_message":"Failed to change password.","change_password_message":"Please change your password to continue.","changed_password_message":"Your password was changed. For security, please log in<\/a> again with your new password.","class_code_not_eligible":"This subscription is not eligible for My BrainPOP.","close_upper":"CLOSE","code_archived_error":"This class has been closed by the teacher.","code_account_expired_error":"Subscription expired.","code_description":"Hi there! Enter a code to take a quiz or join a teacher's class","code_expired_error":"This class code is locked and must be unlocked by the teacher before you can join the class.","code_mybp_disabled":"My BrainPOP features have been disabled by the account administrator.","code_hint":"Enter code","code_not_class_error":"Please enter a valid class code.","code_not_school_error":"Please enter a valid school code.","code_panel_header":"HAVE A CODE?","code_request_invalid_email":"Please enter a valid email.","code_request_missing_email":"Please enter your email.","code_request_missing_first_name":"Please enter your first name.","code_request_missing_last_name":"Please enter your last name.","code_reused_error":"This account is already linked to this subscription. You no longer need this Educator Code.","create":"CREATE","do_not_show_again":"Do not show again","do_you_have_mybp_game":"What's My BrainPOP?","edu_account_linked_relogin_message":"Please log in<\/a> again with your new credentials to start using My BrainPOP.","edu_account_linked_message":"Congratulations! You\u2019ve successfully linked your My BrainPOP account to <\/span>.","educators_account_already_linked":"Account already linked","educators_account_state":"If you have an old BrainPOP Educators account, enter the username and password below. Or, create a new account.","educators_already_linked_to_parent":"This My BrainPOP account is already linked to this school. Just log in<\/a> with your account.","educators_code":"Educator code","educator_code_missing_message":"Please enter your educator code.","educator_code_verification_failed_not_edu_message":"This code is not a school code. Please try again.","educator_code_verification_failed_message":"Failed to verify code. Try again.","educator_invite_email_error":"Failed to send invitation.","educator_link_account_success_message":"Logging in to your account...","educators_link_failed":"Linking Account failed","educator_login_not_educator_account_message":"Failed to log in. The info you entered is not for an Educator account.","educator_login_verification_failed_message":"Failed to verify Educator account. Please try again.","educator_offer_description":"If you're an educator of any kind, BrainPOP Educators - our free professional community - supports you with all kinds of classroom resources. If you're a member already, sign in with your Educator Account instead. If not, sign up for free today!","educator_offer_header":"DO YOU HAVE AN EDUCATOR ACCOUNT?","educators_relink_confirmation_message":"You're about to change school subscriptions. Your quizzes will remain in your account, but you will lose all class data.","educators_relink_confirmation_message2":"Are you sure you want to do this? This action cannot be undone.","edcuator_verify_login_sso_provisioned_message":"The email address entered has an existing account in our system. In order for us to verify that you are the account owner, we can send you a token via email. Click below to send the token.","edcuator_verify_login_sso_provisioned_message2":"Token sent! Please check your email and enter the token below.","educator_token_verification_failed_message":"Invalid token.","enrollment_limit_reached":"Your school has reached its My BrainPOP educator account limit, and no accounts can be created at this time. We've notified your school's administrator. If you have additional questions, please contact us at info@brainpop.com<\/a>.","enrollment_limit_reached_students":"Your school has reached its My BrainPOP account limit, and you can't create an account at this time. We've notified your school's administrator.","enter_code_later_link":" Enter code later<\/a>","enter_orphan_student_code_message":"It looks like you\u2019re not part of an active class. You'll need to join an active class to get full access to BrainPOP. To join a class, enter your teacher's class code here.","enter_expired_student_code_message":"It looks like your school's subscription has expired. Your school will need to renew before you can get full access to BrainPOP. Until then, you can still access your student timeline. If you have changed schools, enter your new teacher's class code here.","generic_expired_message":"We're sorry, but it appears your subscription to BrainPOP has expired. We miss you! Renew now or email us for help choosing the subscription package that best meets your needs. Renew now<\/a> or ask us<\/a> about the best options for you.","school_cred_help_message":"To help you get your code, we need to know your school. Please enter your school subscription credentials here.","school_cred_verification_message":"To create a My BrainPOP account, we need to confirm that you\u2019ve got a school subscription. Please enter your username and password here.","success_teacher_account_created":"The educator account was created successfully. We've sent an email to the educator with his or her account information.","edcuator_login_message":"To help you link your account, we need your educator account information. Please enter your educator subscription credentials here.","educator_password_hint":"Educator password","educators_upgrade_offer_description":"Recently we added more [features list] to our 24\/7 subscriptions. Would you like to learn what else other educators are doing with BP?","educators_upgrade_offer_header":"You are currently logged in with a basic subscription.","educator_username_hint":"Educator username","enter_code":"ENTER CODE","enter_code_student_additionl_message":"Did your teacher give you a class code? Enter it here!","enter_student_code_message":"Already have a My BrainPOP username and password? Log in.<\/a>

If you haven\u2019t set up your My BrainPOP account, enter the code you received from your teacher to get started.","enter_educators_code_message":"Do you already have an old BrainPOP Educators account? If so,
log in<\/a> to access My BrainPOP.

Want to create an account? Enter your school's educator code below.","enter_your_new_school_code":"Enter your new school's educator code.","error_account_not_found":"Account not found","error_account_expired":"Account expired","error_account_not_active":"Account not activated.
Resend activation email<\/a>","error_in_process":"Failed to process request.","error_non_linked_educators_account":"Non linked educators account","error_bad_login":"The username and password you entered did not match an existing account. Please try again.","error_missing_username":"Missing username","error_missing_password":"Missing password","forgot_password_link":"Forgot password?<\/a>","game_offer_premium_teacher_message":"This game has special features for My BrainPOP users. What's My BrainPOP?<\/a>","game_offer_basic_teacher_title":"Notice","game_offer_dashboard_teacher_message":"This game has a Dashboard that you can set up to track your students\u2019 progress. Set it up now at the <\/a> website.","game_offer_dashboard_teacher_revisit_message":"You have configured a Dashboard for this at <\/span>\u2019s website. Visit it now<\/a>.","generic_login_message":"You need to log in to use this feature. Remember, log in with your BrainPOP Educator or My BrainPOP student credentials. (What's My BrainPOP?<\/a>)","go":"GO","have_an_educator_code":"Have an Educator Code? Go here<\/a> to verify your account just once!","help_me_get_my_code":"GET MY CODE","i_am_a_student":"I'M A STUDENT","i_am_a_teacher":"I'M A TEACHER","ie8_message":"Starting Fall 2015, BrainPOP will no longer support Internet Explorer 8. Please update your browser now.","learn_more_message":"My BrainPOP simplifies your ability to keep track of learning. It\u2019s part of your subscription - at no extra cost!","link_bp_account_mixer_header":"Got a BrainPOP subscription?","link_bp_account_mixer_description":"If so, link it to your BrainPOP Educator account<\/a> to use the Mixer and to get the most out of our resources.","login":"LOG IN","login_failed_message":"Login failed","login_header":"LOG IN","login_educator_header":"LOG IN TO YOUR EDUCATORS ACCOUNT","login_not_an_indi_account_error_message":"Please log in with your personal account.","login_bad_login_message":"The username and password you entered did not match.","logout":"LOG OUT","need_help_loging_in":"Need help logging in?<\/a>","need_help_loging_in_admin_version":"Need help logging in? Use our password reminder<\/a> and return to this page to log in.","student_new_to_my_brainpop":"New to My BrainPOP? Sign up now!<\/a>","my_brainpop":"MY BRAINPOP","next":"NEXT","no":"NO","no_create_new_account":"NO, MAKE NEW ACCOUNT","no_sign_up":"NO, SIGN UP","no_student_mixer_access_header":"Notice","no_student_mixer_access_description":"The Mixer is not open to students yet","no_use_school_account":"NO, USE SUBSCRIPTION","non_linked_educators_error_message":"Non linked educators account message","non_linked_educator_header":"DO YOU HAVE A BRAINPOP SUBSCRIPTION?","non_linked_educator_description":"Your Educator account is not linked to a subscription. You must log in to use this page. Please log in with a subscription and link your account.","not_an_educator_account":"Not an educators account","not_an_educator_account_message":"Please log in with your Educators account","not_now":"Not now","new_to_my_brainpop":"New to My BrainPOP? Get started right here!","mam_basic_subscription":"You can print your map, but you can't save or submit it. Some features are disabled for your subscription. To save your map and access all the features of this tool, you need a My BrainPOP<\/a> account.","mam_not_logged_in":"Log in<\/a> with your My BrainPOP account to save your maps and access all the features of this tool. What is My BrainPOP?<\/a>","mam_premium_subscription":"You can print your map, but you can't save or submit it. To save your map, you need to log in<\/a> with your My BrainPOP account.","mbp_offer":"Have a My BrainPOP account?","missing_code_message":"Please type in your code.","missing_educator_user_name_message":"Please type your Educator username.","missing_educator_password_message":"Please type your password.","missing_educator_token_message":"Please paste your token here.","missing_student_user_name_message":"Please type your student username.","missing_student_password_message":"Please type your password.","missing_password_message":"Please type your password.","missing_password2_message":"Please retype your password.","missing_school_user_name_message":"Please type your school username.","missing_school_password_message":"Please type your school password.","missing_user_name_message":"Please type your username.","mixer_login_message":"Log in to BrainPOP Educators or set up a free account today. If you\u2019re already have an account, make sure it's linked to your subscription and verified. Then, log in here with your BrainPOP Educators credentials.","my_brainpop_login_message":"Please log in. If you\u2019re a BrainPOP Educator with 24\/7 school- or district-wide BrainPOP access, make sure your Educator account is linked to your subscription. Then, enter your BrainPOP Educators credentials.","ok":"Okay","orphan_student_joined_message":"You've successfully joined the <\/span> class. Please log in again for changes to take effect.","orphan_student_message":"Your account is no longer connected to a class. You can see your My BrainPOP timeline, but you can no longer watch BrainPOP movies, save quizzes or activities, or submit them to a teacher. Join another class to re-activate<\/a>.","orphan_student_title":"My-BrainPOP Locked","password_hint":"Password","password_retype_hint":"Retype password","password_mismatch_message":"Password do not match.","privacy_policy":"Privacy Policy","premium_unknown_subscription_message":"You've got access to My BrainPOP. Log in<\/a> · Learn more<\/a>","register_as":"Register as Teacher or Student?","register_new":"NEW ACCOUNT","relogin_4_changes":"Please log in<\/a> again for changes to take effect.","request_code_email_watermark":"Email","request_code_first_name_watermark":"First name","request_code_last_name_watermark":"Last name","request_school_contact_for_educator_code_message":"To get the educator code for <\/span>, enter your name and email. We'll send a request to your account's administrator, <\/span>","request_school_contact_for_educator_code_sent_message":"Your request has been sent to <\/span>.","save_new_subscription":"Save new subscription","school_expired_message":"Subscription expired.","school_login_verification_failed_message":"Failed to verify school account. Please try again.","school_login_not_school_account_message":"This subscription is not eligible for My BrainPOP.","search_hint":"Search","send":"SEND","send_token":"send token","signup":"SIGN UP","sso_account_not_found_message":"Your Google domain is not linked to a subscription. Please ask your administrator to complete the set up, or log in<\/a> above.","sso_dont_show_again":"Don't remind me on this computer for 2 weeks.","sso_expired_message":"Account expired","sso_error_message":"SSO ERROR MESSAGE","sso_i_am_a_student_message":"Do you already have a My BrainPOP student account? (This is your individual username and password, not the log-in that the whole school uses.)","sso_i_dont_have_a_code":"I don't have a code.<\/a>","sso_inactive_message":"Inactive account","sso_terms_of_use_message":"You agree to our Terms of Service<\/a> and Privacy Policy<\/a>.","sso_data_usage_message":"I certify that my use of data and services in connection with this subscription is authorized, because I am an educator affiliated with the school, district, or board of education holding the subscription.","sso_missing_info_message":"Please make sure the information below is complete and correct.","sso_first_name_missing_message":"Please fill out your first name.","sso_last_name_missing_message":"Please fill out your last name.","sso_email_missing_message":"Please fill out your email address.","sso_update_info_failed_message":"Failed to update account info.","sso_terms_of_use_not_approved":"Please approve the above terms.","sso_restricted_message":"Your Google Account has not been registered by your Google Domain Administrator. Please contact the admin or a teacher to list you, and then log in again.","sso_who_are_you":"Who are you?","student_account_state":"Do you already have a student account? If so, please log in. If not, please create one.","student_code":"Class code","student_code_help_message":"If your school has My BrainPOP, your teacher can give you a code that will let you join a class or take a quiz.","student_code_missing_message":"Please enter your class code.","student_code_verification_failed_message":"Failed to verify code. Try again.","student_code_verification_failed_not_student_message":"This code is not a class code. Please try again.","student_expired_message":"We're sorry, but it appears your subscription to BrainPOP has expired. We miss you! Renew now or email us for help choosing the subscription package that best meets your needs. Renew now<\/a> or ask us<\/a> about the best options for you.

If you have moved to a new school or subscription,
link now<\/a>.","student_link_no_room_error_message":"Your school has reached its My BrainPOP account limit. Your teacher must contact your school's administrator.","student_joined_class_message":"You've successfully joined the <\/span> class.","student_password_hint":"Student password","student_username_hint":"Student username","student_log_in_to_game_title":"STUDENT LOG IN","student_log_in_to_game_message":"Log in<\/a> with a My BrainPOP student account to play more of this game and access all of its features.","student_log_in_to_quiz_title":"STUDENT LOG IN","student_log_in_to_quiz_message":"If you have a My BrainPOP Student account, log in<\/a> to save your quiz.","student_login_not_educator_account_message":"Failed to log in. The info you entered is not for a student account.","student_login_message":"You're about to join <\/span>!","student_login_verification_failed_message":"Failed to verify student account. Please try again.","submit":"SUBMIT","submit_code":"SUBMIT CODE","subscription_has_no_access_to_product_message":"This product is not part of your subscription.","take_tour_or_subscribe":"Take the tour<\/a> or subscribe<\/a>","teacher_basic_mybp_message":"My BrainPOP is only open to 24\/7 school subscriptions at this time.","teacher_basic_mybp_title":"Notice","teacher_code_help_message":"You'll need an educator code to set up your My BrainPOP account. If your school has a 24\/7 school-wide subscription, you can get it from your school's account administrator. Help me get my code<\/a>.","teacher_expired_message":"We're sorry, but it appears your subscription to BrainPOP has expired. We miss you! Renew now or email us for help choosing the subscription package that best meets your needs. Renew now<\/a> or ask us<\/a> about the best options for you.

If you have moved to a new school or subscription,
link now<\/a>.","teacher_first_name_hint":"First name","teacher_first_name_missing_message":"Please enter your first name.","teacher_last_name_hint":"Last name","teacher_last_name_missing_message":"Please enter your last name.","teacher_linked_basic_message":"You asked and we answered! BrainPOP Educators\u2019 resources are now open to all, free of charge. A separate BrainPOP Educators username or password is no longer needed; going forward, please log in with your subscription username<\/a>.","teacher_missing_info_updated_message":"Thanks for updating your info!","teacher_missing_info_message":"To access your My BrainPOP account, please enter your first and last name below.","teacher_unlinked_message":"You asked and we answered! BrainPOP Educators\u2019 resources are now open to all, free of charge. A separate BrainPOP Educators username or password is no longer needed.

If you\u2019ve got a 24\/7 school-wide subscription, you\u2019ve got access to My BrainPOP.
Learn more<\/a> or get started<\/a>.","teacher_unlinked_with_history_message":"You've been unlinked from a subscription. To access your quizzes and set up new classes, please link to a new subscription. Get started.<\/a>","upload_image":"Upload image","username_hint":"Username","update":"UPDATE","update_teacher_info_failed_message":"Failed to update account","user_token_hint":"Token","verify_account":"VERIFY ACCOUNT","verify_code":"VERIFY CODE","verify_token":"Verify token","whats_a_code":"What's a code? Student Help<\/a> · Teacher Help<\/a>","whats_a_code_generic":"What's a code?<\/a>","whats_a_code_message":"If you're a student, your teacher can give you a code that will let you join a class or take a quiz. If you're a teacher, you'll need an educator code to create a My BrainPOP account. Need help getting an educator code?<\/a>","wrong_code_educators":"Are you entering an Educator Code? Go here<\/a> to proceed with verifying your Educators Account.","yes":"YES","yes_log_in":"YES, LOG IN","yes_use_old_account":"YES, I HAVE ONE"}